Shortcode Generator
Featured collections
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-collection action="new collections" class="small--one-whole medium--one-half large--one-quarter" thumb="530x" template="title above middle" height="300px"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="pitless-adapters" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="insert-fittings-collections" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="tee-collection-menu" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="splice-kits-arrestors-and-couplings" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="well-points-pump-rod-and-leathers" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="check-and-foot-valves" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="pressure-switches-and-gauges" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="" image-location="custom image" image-url="//"]
[bc-collection action="new collection" collection="" image-location="collection" image-url=""]
[bc-collection action="end collections"]
Featured Products
No Collection
Assign a collection to this shortcode.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-products title-display="original" title="Add title here" collection="" grid="4" rows="2" carousel="true" thumb-size="400x" crop="false" height="300px" quick-view="true" description="false" reviews="false" hover="second image and buttons" zoom="false" button-bg="" link-color="" link-color-contrast="" border-color="" heading-color=""]
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-slider action="new slider" width="1000px"]
[bc-slider action="new slide"]

[bc-slider action="end slide"]
[bc-slider action="new slide"]

[bc-slider action="end slide"]
[bc-slider action="end slider"]
Featured blog posts
Please assign a blog category/handle in order to show blog posts
Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert raisin horseradish spinach carrot soko. Lotus root water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot green bean swiss chard seakale pumpkin onion chickpea gram corn pea. Brussels sprout coriander water chestnut gourd swiss chard wakame kohlrabi beetroot carrot watercress. Corn amaranth salsify bunya nuts nori azuki bean chickweed potato bell pepper artichoke.
Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.
Pea horseradish azuki bean lettuce avocado asparagus okra. Kohlrabi radish okra azuki bean corn fava bean mustard tigernut jícama green bean celtuce collard greens avocado quandong fennel gumbo black-eyed pea. Grape silver beet watercress potato tigernut corn groundnut. Chickweed okra pea winter purslane coriander yarrow sweet pepper radish garlic brussels sprout groundnut summer purslane earthnut pea tomato spring onion azuki bean gourd.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-columns action="new columns"]
[bc-columns action="new column" class="large--one-whole large--one-whole large--one-third"]
Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert raisin horseradish spinach carrot soko. Lotus root water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot green bean swiss chard seakale pumpkin onion chickpea gram corn pea. Brussels sprout coriander water chestnut gourd swiss chard wakame kohlrabi beetroot carrot watercress. Corn amaranth salsify bunya nuts nori azuki bean chickweed potato bell pepper artichoke.
[bc-columns action="end column"]
[bc-columns action="new column" class="large--one-whole large--one-whole large--one-third"]
Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.
[bc-columns action="end column"]
[bc-columns action="new column" class="large--one-whole large--one-whole large--one-third"]
Pea horseradish azuki bean lettuce avocado asparagus okra. Kohlrabi radish okra azuki bean corn fava bean mustard tigernut jícama green bean celtuce collard greens avocado quandong fennel gumbo black-eyed pea. Grape silver beet watercress potato tigernut corn groundnut. Chickweed okra pea winter purslane coriander yarrow sweet pepper radish garlic brussels sprout groundnut summer purslane earthnut pea tomato spring onion azuki bean gourd.
[bc-columns action="end column"]
[bc-columns action="end columns"]
Pea horseradish azuki bean lettuce avocado asparagus okra. Kohlrabi radish okra azuki bean corn fava bean mustard tigernut jícama green bean celtuce collard greens avocado quandong fennel gumbo black-eyed pea. Grape silver beet watercress potato tigernut corn groundnut. Chickweed okra pea winter purslane coriander yarrow sweet pepper radish garlic brussels sprout groundnut summer purslane earthnut pea tomato spring onion azuki bean gourd. Gumbo kakadu plum komatsuna black-eyed pea green bean zucchini gourd winter purslane silver beet rock melon radish asparagus spinach.
Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-faq action="new faqs" icon=""]
[bc-faq action="new faq" question="Beoshop Theme skyrockets on themeforest"]
Pea horseradish azuki bean lettuce avocado asparagus okra. Kohlrabi radish okra azuki bean corn fava bean mustard tigernut jícama green bean celtuce collard greens avocado quandong fennel gumbo black-eyed pea. Grape silver beet watercress potato tigernut corn groundnut. Chickweed okra pea winter purslane coriander yarrow sweet pepper radish garlic brussels sprout groundnut summer purslane earthnut pea tomato spring onion azuki bean gourd. Gumbo kakadu plum komatsuna black-eyed pea green bean zucchini gourd winter purslane silver beet rock melon radish asparagus spinach.
[bc-faq action="end faq"]
[bc-faq action="new faq" question="Is this the best theme or what?"]
Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.
[bc-faq action="end faq"]
[bc-faq action="end faqs"]
Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert raisin horseradish spinach carrot soko. Lotus root water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot green bean swiss chard seakale pumpkin onion chickpea gram corn pea. Brussels sprout coriander water chestnut gourd swiss chard wakame kohlrabi beetroot carrot watercress. Corn amaranth salsify bunya nuts nori azuki bean chickweed potato bell pepper artichoke.
Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-tabs action="new tabs" look="horizontal"]
[bc-tabs action="new tab" title="Men"]
Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert raisin horseradish spinach carrot soko. Lotus root water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot green bean swiss chard seakale pumpkin onion chickpea gram corn pea. Brussels sprout coriander water chestnut gourd swiss chard wakame kohlrabi beetroot carrot watercress. Corn amaranth salsify bunya nuts nori azuki bean chickweed potato bell pepper artichoke.
[bc-tabs action="end tab"]
[bc-tabs action="new tab" title="Women"]
Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.
[bc-tabs action="end tab"]
[bc-tabs action="end tabs"]
Contact Form
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-contact-form button="Add some text" width="60%" center="true"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-map location="48.8621758,2.3348298" width="100%" height="300px" fullwidth="false" zoom="10" address1="Louvre" address2="23 Rue de Rivoli" address3="75001 Paris, France"]
Page content
Choose page to see it's content here and get the shortcode.
Now What
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-heading title="Now What" h1="no"]
Heading small
Title here
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-heading title="Title here" size="h3"]
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-icon icon="thumbs-up" url="" size="3x" spin="false" class="" color=""]
Collection links
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-collection-links title="All collections"]
Featured products small
Choose collection to pull products from to see them here and get the shortcode.
Featured blog posts small
Choose blog to see it here and get the shortcode.
Empty space
Change height to see this how the empty space below is getting larger.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-space height="30px" width=""]
Full Width
Due to a global supply chain disruption from Covid-19, all lead times are estimated and subject to change. Merrill Manufacturing cannot be held liable for inaccurate delivery dates during this period, or sudden changes in pricing beyond reasonable control. We appreciate everyone's understanding during this unprecedented situation.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-fullwidth action="new fullwidth" bg-color="#fdffd6" bg-image="" bg-fixed="no" bg-repeat="no" bg-cover="no" height="10pxpx" padding-top="1xpx" padding-bottom="1xpx"]
Due to a global supply chain disruption from Covid-19, all lead times are estimated and subject to change. Merrill Manufacturing cannot be held liable for inaccurate delivery dates during this period, or sudden changes in pricing beyond reasonable control. We appreciate everyone's understanding during this unprecedented situation.
[bc-fullwidth action="end fullwidth"]
This is a content example for wrapper set at 60%.
Pea horseradish azuki bean lettuce avocado asparagus okra. Kohlrabi radish okra azuki bean corn fava bean mustard tigernut jícama green bean celtuce collard greens avocado quandong fennel gumbo black-eyed pea. Grape silver beet watercress potato tigernut corn groundnut. Chickweed okra pea winter purslane coriander yarrow sweet pepper radish garlic brussels sprout groundnut summer purslane earthnut pea tomato spring onion azuki bean gourd. Gumbo kakadu plum komatsuna black-eyed pea green bean zucchini gourd winter purslane silver beet rock melon radish asparagus spinach.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-wrapper action="new wrapper" padding="false" width="60%"]
This is a content example for wrapper set at 60%.
Pea horseradish azuki bean lettuce avocado asparagus okra. Kohlrabi radish okra azuki bean corn fava bean mustard tigernut jícama green bean celtuce collard greens avocado quandong fennel gumbo black-eyed pea. Grape silver beet watercress potato tigernut corn groundnut. Chickweed okra pea winter purslane coriander yarrow sweet pepper radish garlic brussels sprout groundnut summer purslane earthnut pea tomato spring onion azuki bean gourd. Gumbo kakadu plum komatsuna black-eyed pea green bean zucchini gourd winter purslane silver beet rock melon radish asparagus spinach.
[bc-wrapper action="end wrapper"]
Secure download link
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-secure-download link="" name="Download now"]
Product Short Description
For product pages ONLY! Use only one per each product page. It will show above the purchase form. Below is just a preview.
Change this text with your small description for each product.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-description action="new description"]
Change this text with your small description for each product.
[bc-description action="end description"]
Product gallery video 1
For product pages ONLY! Use only one per each product page. It will show in gallery after images. Below is just a video preview.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-product-video video="hNwePuaLwcU" source="youtube"]
Product gallery video 2
For product pages ONLY! Use only one per each product page. It will show in gallery after images and first video. Below is just a video preview.
Copy the shortcode below:
[bc-product-video video="263665518" source="vimeo"]